2023 Honorees
Elena Lesniak
“Although at first, they may seem unrelated, the pillars of medicine clearly align with many of the values of MKTKD. Working in the medical field, but specifically as a PA is a field which amplifies the importance of communication on a day-to-day basis. PAs are not only tasked with being a provider to patients, but rather the individual they know they can look up to for help. Particularly, in these vulnerable moments PA's serve as the bridge between physicians and nurses. They are the unique provider which diversifies the field of medicine in and of itself. Taekwondo has shown me the value of learning to work with others of different backgrounds. Moreover, communicating with adults, coworkers, or those of different ages. It is not easy to communicate with people, but I strongly believe that my experience at Taekwondo has bettered me for the future of my life and my post-secondary education.“
Bryce Klinsky
“The five tenets of taekwondo, they used to be just words to me. But throughout my training they’ve grown into my daily life.
My next big goal is to succeed in college as a business major. Achieving my goals of being an instructor after putting all that effort in, gives me the confidence that I know I will achieve my goals for the future.”
Piper Turri
“The only way to finally achieve the goals I set for myself in Taekwondo, gymnastics, or school is to dedicate myself to hours of struggle and strain, and even moments of indecision and regret. Improvement and accomplishment will only present themselves when I put in the effort—staying after class to refine my forms and techniques, asking my teachers for clarification on complex topics, etc. The application of these character traits, along with the respect and professionalism that I have fortunately been exposed to, will only assist me in becoming someone who is dependable, respectable, and successful in whatever I choose to engage in.”
Kateri White
“As I am coming towards graduation and going to college, the next chapter in my life, safety awareness is something I have learned and grown to value as well. It has helped teach me what to look for when I have to be in an environment that I just do not feel completely comfortable in, and how to stay aware when I am walking alone. Taekwondo has taught me so many things I can implement in life. Especially going forward into college. As I go forward in life I can use everything I have experienced, good or bad. I will carry the tenets and life lessons with me always. I will forever be grateful for all that I have gained and continue to learn through taekwondo.”